If you would like to ask Jeanne about her speaking or
consulting services -- or sign on for one of her special reports,
checklists, sample documents or other materials -- or just to harangue and
criticize, the best way is via e-mail:
But she can also be
reached at her Arizona
Postal address:
5672 S Feather Bush Dr
Gold Canyon AZ

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LAW DAY, May 1

Remember to hug a lawyer that day!

Jeanne at Thailand Bar Association Meeting in 1991
And she really was thin ...
once ... a long, long time ago <sigh>

featured speaker...
Looking for a speaker for your next meeting or conference? One
who is informative and entertaining at the same time? Jeanne Scott Matthews, one of Washington
DC's leading health care policy analysts and lobbyists, is a veteran of more than
900 such presentations and brings the latest in "inside-the-beltway"
analysis and insight, touched with her humor and anecdotes, all for probably
a lot less than you might expect. From the woman named the "Grandmother of
HIPAA" for her work in getting that landmark piece of legislation enacted in
1996 and who is credited with coining the term "Obamacare" by the
New York Times and
CNN, you can learn the very latest on the dysfunctional Congresscritters
in Washington. For dates, fees and other information,
contact Jeanne
what some of her
listeners have had to say...
"Thanks for speaking at
the ... annual meeting earlier this week... I had heard of you (and your
newsletter), but had never actually heard you speak, and I thoroughly
enjoyed your remarks. Very informative, as well as entertaining."
"I heard you speak in January ...
It was great. I'd like to receive your newsletter to stay on the cutting
edge of issues. There are several things you spoke about that I am just now
in June hearing through the media. I'd rather hear it first hand in a timely
"I enjoyed your presentation (and irreverent humor) at the conference
in Memphis." (and from another attendee at that same meeting) "Got to see
you at Memphis a couple of weeks ago, you are Great !"
very much enjoyed your presentation last week at the________. Your
information was valuable and presentation style fun."
I listened to you
speak in ... Wisconsin. You were awesome, and I can only imagine I'm not the
first person to tell you that!
And two of
my all time favorites and perhaps the most meaningful compliment I've ever
From a
waiter working a recent luncheon where I was the speaker:
"I've worked this
hotel for almost 20 years, that was the best presentation I've ever heard.
All of the waiters were listening."
And from a
listener who should remain anonymous:
Friday that I heard you speak in [location deleted], I drove on to [more
locations deleted] to visit my mom for the weekend. Your presentation was
fresh in my head that evening when my mom and I went to a little bar close
to her house for some drinks. Needless to say, we stayed rather late and
had several drinks. We got to talking to some people at the bar and somehow
the conversation turned to healthcare. A silly little man at the bar
actually had the nerve to tell me that the United States has the best
healthcare system in the world! Between the several drinks I had, and the
facts from your presentation still buzzing in my head, I proceeded to set
him straight....rather loudly and passionately. Unfortunately, my mom does
not feel she can go back to that bar anytime soon. I've worked in healthcare
for awhile now and I feel passionate about the industry. Hearing you speak
ignites my interest even further and having facts to back up my arguments is
like a gift. However, you may need to add yet another disclaimer to your
presentation. Something like.......a passion for healthcare combined with a
Jeanne Scott presentation should NOT be mixed with alcohol."
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she is currently speaking
on these and other topics...
Repealing PPACA: From the
woman who coined the term "Obamacare" ... Jeanne's updated topic title is:
It Really is a Big [Bleeping] Deal. Save it, Build on it, Reform it, or Kill
it. You Choose"
Vice President Joe Biden was quoted
as saying on the passage of the health care reform law (the "Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010", "PPACA"), that this was a big
[bleeping] deal. And it was ... a dramatic new direction for U.S. health
care. But since then, the law's opponents have been on the attack.
Republicans swept the fall 2010 elections vowing to repeal the new law. Will
they? Most polls show that with the exception of the insurance mandate
provision, Americans favor the new law, especially the protections afforded
against predatory private insurance companies. What will happen in 2013 and
beyond? Jeanne Scott Matthews brings over 40 years of inside the beltway
Washington DC experience in health care to try to shed some light on what
might happen. You don't want to miss her presentation ... as whatever happens,
U.S. health care will be changed forever.

The Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010
Jeanne has entitled her talk:
"PPACA for Dummies: Understanding the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act" (derisively labeled "Obamacare" by its
opponents). While Republicans have "pledged" to repeal the new law, can they
really? Or is their best strategy to work with the parts of the law that
Americans really like... such as health insurance reform and prohibitions on
recissions and pre-existing conditions. (Never mind the huge insurance
industry political contributions to GOPers). The law is to be implemented
over 10 years; lots of time for mucking around in the trenches. Learn all
about the death panels, killing granny and Obama's private army of doctors
and nurses.


Stalemate, indecision, gerrymandering, filibustering ... political posturing,
grandstanding, gaming the system .... manufactured crises, brinkmanship, budget
ceilings ... the Nuclear Option ... closing down government --- Jeanne tries to
bring some sanity to an insane process, with suggestions starting with the
definition of the word "POLITICS" (as in health-politics) ... the art of
the possible ... which means compromise, trade-offs, some wins/some
losses, and actually going about the people's business ... KILL GRA NNY!
Health Care Rationing for Me and Mostly You!
law passed by a Democratically-controlled Congress without a single
Republican vote, using an esoteric procedure called "reconciliation" to
get past a filibuster, and signed by a Democratic president) builds on
the 2003 "Medicare Modernization Act," a
law passed by a Republican-controlled Congress without a single
Democratic vote, using an esoteric procedure called "reconciliation" to
get past a filibuster, and signed by a Republican president. Both laws
called for increased understanding and use of something called
"comparative effectiveness" ... which is in reality just another more
gracious term for "rationing." How will we do it? We can't under any
scenario, Socialist, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Tea-Partier,
continue to deliver health care on the same terms we have been using.
There are not enough resources, not enough enough money. Do you know
your QALYs? Jeanne will tell how we can get to a system of reasonable
health care "rationing," while retaining provate choice and
Health Care Issues Up the Wahzoo
We have a laundry list of issues facing the US health
care industry, from 50.7 million uninsured, another 60 million
"underinsured" with unmanageable deductibles and co-pays that have made
health care bills the number one cause of personal bankruptcies, to 25
million "baby-boomers" about to start flooding the Medicare program;
from double-digit increases in health care costs to bioterrorism -- and
everything in between. What to do, what to do. Come and see what is
happening and what you may be able to do about it.
HIPAA Phases 2,3,4, and Beyond
Think you had just about enough of HIPAA? Well
think again. HIPAA phases 2, 3 and 4 are already under way. PPACA's
set new health I.T. requirements for 2012 and beyond, including a
standardized patient health record. Privacy protections have been
beefed up and the penalties increased. Jeanne Scott wrote the first
piece of HIPAA-legislation in 1989 and she's been called the
"grandmother of HIPAA." She'll be glad to tell you about what's
coming next.
...and... well, let's just face it, Jeanne will
speak on just about any topic you want her to speak on...
back to top
upcoming schedule of appearances ...
You can catch Jeanne
Scott, speaking at one of these important upcoming events:
In addition to these
"public" events, Jeanne is in demand for corporate and board retreats,
customer educational seminars and sales meetings. Call if you would like to
have a reference on any of these.
some more from her
listeners ...
now for the health care event of the year! Don't miss the return of Jeanne
Schulte Scott, JD, and her unique perspective on the politics of healthcare!
Scott received outstanding ratings from last year's conference attendees who
scored her a 4.93 on a 5.0 scale."
"For me, your presentation was the highlight of the
gave a brilliant presentation on HIPAA ... the best of the whole
presentation was fantastic!"
always, your presentation at our meeting in June was enlightening and very
appreciated. I thank you for coming and want you to know I was told by all
those attending that they really hoped you would be back in the fall!"
are a crowd favorite with your unique way of bringing us up to date on
what's happening in the world of healthcare politics."

Did you notice how much Jeanne has aged in the various pictures on this
page... see what Washington DC politics has done to her <smile>
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